about our windshield repair company
about our windshield repair services
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Superb Windshield Repair Logo


Don't wait!
Aging and temperature changes can cause minor stone damage to spread well beyond repair.

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300 Galleria Pkwy.
Ste. G1
Atlanta, GA 30339

Emergency Service..


Last update
April 3, 2012

Contents Copyright © 2005-2012
Superb Windshield Repair


We use the most advanced windshield repair process, professional windshield repair specialists and retail windshield repair shops.

Superb Windshield Repair is an independent company owned and operated by Le-Bron Blanton. We provide a unique service that uses modern technology to repair a stone damaged windshield instead of replacing it. This saves the consumer money, time and frustration. It also saves the environment since laminated automotive windshields are not recyclable. Our service is provided with old-fashioned quality and integrity. We always provide our customers with the service they deserve and expect.



site by Windshield Repair


Average cost for a windshield repair is only $65.

Why wait all day for the mobile guy to arrive? Make an appointment for service today and your repair will be done in minutes.

Special offer ....
members of the following groups receive 10% off stone chip repair.